25 July 2010

Busy, Busy, Busy...

Seth and I went to a Braves game..it was so fun!

Girls beach weekend!

More time has passed than I wanted..I was hoping for an update sooner, but man...we've been pretty busy!

So..it's official. We put our townhome on Craigslist looking for a subleaser and within two hours we found someone! What a blessing! THEN Katie (One of the event planners with The Charmed Event aka my "boss") called me and her aunt offered us her lake house on Lake Norman that we could stay in for a year. What another blessing! So, we are in the process of packing up our house, will move to Cornelius on Friday and live ON the lake! You can see the water from our bedroom...what a dream.

Seth is so excited and really wants to get a John Boat (is that what you call them?) Those boats that look real dinky, but can tote you around the lake. I have a feeling we are going to LOVE waking up and having the choice to lay out on our dock, or go fishing.... I think Penny will really like it to because there is a lot of room for her to run around outside.

Logan is coming to help us pack and will travel with us to Charlotte on Friday. We are both really excited and thankful she is coming to help us. Hopefully by the end of the week, she won't be too tired of us..I'll try not to be too bossy. ;)

This past weekend I traveled to Surfside Beach, SC to spend a weekend with some of my very best girlfriends. We were celebrating Rachel, who is leaving the country to spend a year in Central Asia for a YEAR! It was so much fun..and it just so happened that Molly got engaged a few days before so it was so fun dreaming and planning her wedding that will occur next March or April. She asked me to be her Matron of Honor (along with her sister, Annie) and I almost cried! I am so excited and honored to be such a special part of her day. We had so much fun playing cornhole on the beach, laying out in the sun, and just having much needed girl time. Ah..i love them so much! It was such a sad morning to have to say goodbye to Rachel, but we will keep in touch with Skype and she will be getting lots of packages from me!!

So..we are going to be busssyyyy this week with packing our things up..hopefully we can get it all done! (We really don't have choice)

Time to go pack! I will hopefully post another update in the next couple days with some pics of the chaos!

P.S. Our wedding photos will be here by FRIDAY!!!!!!! I promise to share them!


Huey and I catching a nap

14 July 2010

A lot has happened these past few days...

Wow. Wow. Wow.

that is all I can say right now!

These past few days have been crazy to say the least.

Here's the story...

As many of you know, I am supposed to go to graduate school here in Athens next month. I have been planning to do this all along, but never been that excited about it. I felt that I had to go in order to get a job in a couple years because an undergraduate college degree in Psychology just won't cut it.

For my wedding, I hired Jill Curione and Katie Dowens with The Charmed Event to be my planners. I LOVED them from the very start and instantly connected with them. Well...in the back of my mind I had always thought "I would LOVE to have their job." Event planning was something that had always interested me for years, but I never pursued it because I felt the timing was not right and in order to be successful you would have to "know people". I never had that opportunity so I pursued Psychology.

A few days ago, I was talking with Jill and she mentioned that her and Katie needed an assistant to help them with their business because they have really been booming. I never even dreamed that I would seriously consider it, but I got to thinking...


What if I called Jill and asked her if she was serious about possibly having me on their team to help with weddings....

What if this was really happening and I could pursue my dream of being a wedding planner one day...

What if I just take this leap of faith and go for it...

Well... I did just that.

I called Jill on the phone and we had a nice long talk about the possibilities of me joining their team.

I had SO many things running through my head.

For starters, We JUST moved here to Athens..we haven't been here but maybe a month and a half...we just finished unpacking our stuff. I am supposed to start graduate school next month...was this something I should really do? Should I turn down graduate school to work with Jill and Katie? Is this the right thing for me and Seth? How much is it going to cost us to pick up and move? What about this? What about that?

Seth and I have been in constant prayer about this decision. We want this to glorify God and not be my own selfish desire. We want this to be what is best for ME and for Seth.

So...after talking more with Jill about my future and talking with our leasing agent...

We have decided we are moving BACK to North Carolina to the Charlotte area. I am going to work with Jill and Katie and their business, The Charmed Event, and also nanny their children (Which is a plus, because they have the CUTEST kids in the universe).

I truly have a peace about this decision and I am so excited that I am going to be pursuing my DREAM. God is definitely showing me his power and beauty and I am so thankful for that.

So..our plans now...

we have to find a sub leaser ASAP. We are trying to get out of here so we don't have to keep paying rent. We put an ad on craigslist and NOT EVEN thirty minutes later, we got a phone call. I think things are falling into place... and I am so grateful.

I know some of you are thinking.. "You are crazy for not attending graduate school." And believe me, I have struggled so MUCH with that decision. Many people never have the chance to go to grad school and a lot of my friends didn't get in. I am so thankful that I did get in, but you know...I feel I am pursuing my dreams and I don't think going go graduate school in Social Work was really my dream.

We are so excited to see the plans that God has for us, and we could definitely use your prayers these next few weeks.

Much love,


11 July 2010

Oh, the places we go!

This past week found Kait and I in Emerald Isle, North Carolina. Let me tell you: driving along the coast in a topless Jeep is an unparalleled experience as far as automobiling goes. We drove down last weekend to meet my family and a couple of Logan's friends, along with Logan's dash-hound Sadie. We, of course, dragged Penny along (although it is becoming evident that she enjoys, or at least is tolerant of, car rides).

After a week in the sun with minimal burning, we trekked halfway across Carolina to Charlotte for our third wedding this Spring/Summer (excluding our own). Our good friends Allen and Alli got hitched at Cedar Wood Country Club. I felt honored because Allen had asked me to do a reading for the ceremony, as he believes I had the voice for it. It was great being a part of such a beautiful event.

The ceremony was followed by a incredibly fun reception. I got to see all of my guys and share a few dances with my wife. Kait fully enjoyed herself, hardly leaving the dance floor at all.

Here is a photo of me and the guys at the rehearsal dinner-

We got back to Athens tonight and found out that Huey Cat transferred his fleas into the carpet upstairs. So...we left again, but only for a couple of hours. Just enough time for the Hot Shot Fogger Bomb we set off upstairs to kill the insects. Hopefully this will be the last of our pest problems. I'm starting to feel like we're paying a little more than necessary to live in a place with bugs. I guess that's the "charm" everyone talks about when discussing their first home as a newlywed.

Not really sure what will come next. I'd like to think it will be a phone call with a job offer (or at least an interview!!).

I'd like dedicate this blog post to our faithful reader, Aunt Neecie!!

Until next time!


Kait here! As Seth said above, we had a great week with his family hanging out at the beach. Penny loved the sand and water and it was fun to watch her romp around in the sand. We ate tons of great food, stayed up late, and slept in...it can't get much better than that!

Allen and Alli's wedding was so much fun- I danced the night away with my gals, and Seth and his beaus had a time watching us. haha.

Even though we have done TONS of traveling this summer (I put over 3000 miles on my car in one month), I have enjoyed getting to see all of my friends every three weeks. I am sad now that we won't be going to anymore weddings!

It feels good to finally be able to live in our home though..we've been gone so much that we haven't been able to enjoy it! We have no other plans for the summer, except maybe one trip to Charlotte for me to visit a sweet, sweet friend, and a visit from my momma! We're going to the Atlanta aquarium and a Braves game!

In case you're wondering if I am excited about starting graduate school..i am not. No part of me gets excited so now you don't have to ask me or sit at home wondering if I am excited! :) Hopefully once school starts I will gain more enthusiasm, but until then I would rather be working or going to thrift stores and finding stuff to refurbish. It's a new hobby of mine...making old furniture look like it came from Pottery Barn..except the cost is SIGNIFICANTLY cheaper. It's great.

Speaking of saving money...for those of you who don't know..my "nickname" is Coupon Queen. Yes, I get a paper every sunday. Yes, I have a big ol binder for my coupons. Yes, I spend hours each week planning my shopping trips. Yes, I am a nerd.

Here is how much money I have saved though! Take a gander:

My YTD savings at CVS is $478.71 and my Summer 2010 Spending is 5.38. :) It feels good to be saving that much money!!

Alright..well i think it's time i start unpacking and washing clothes..like a good wife!

Be back soon!!


Congratulations Mr. and Mrs. Sanderson!!

04 July 2010

Happy Fourth!

Hello there! This is us on the way to Emerald Isle, NC!

This will not be a long post, but I would like to share a few photos with you from our trip thus far. Seth and I packed up Huey and Penny on Saturday morning and headed to the beach. We dropped Huey off at Four Seasons Pet Resort in Hull, Georgia which is in the middle of NOWHERE. (The address is really "5973 Nowhere Road") We added thirty minutes to our trip because we couldn't find the darn place! But alas, we did find it and we dropped off the kitty.

It took a good 8 hours to get to the beach..sheesh, I was ready to get out of the car.. but we made it and we have enjoyed it so much! We celebrated Kim's birthday and I made her a chocolate cake. We took Penny to the beach today which was fun- she liked the water, but doesn't really like to swim. She will go in, plop down, and let the waves hit her. Then once she is wet, she find a nice patch of sand and rolls around for a couple minutes. I don't know why, but she loves to get sand in her face,nose,eyes,etc...silly dog.

Isn't she a happy girl??

We also dressed up her all festive for Independence Day-take a look! She puts up with a lot! :)

Marc grilled hamburgers and red hotdogs (you Texans probably don't know what those are, but they are good!) for dinner tonight and we sat on the deck and enjoyed the fireworks that were being popped on the beach.

Aren't we festive?

So, what are the plans for the rest of the week? Sleep in, lay by the beach, float in the pool, maybe a margarita or two, eat, eat ,eat....sounds rough, doesn't it?

Everyone enjoy the day!

-Mrs. Jones