Wow. Wow. Wow.
that is all I can say right now!
These past few days have been crazy to say the least.
Here's the story...
As many of you know, I am supposed to go to graduate school here in Athens next month. I have been planning to do this all along, but never been that excited about it. I felt that I had to go in order to get a job in a couple years because an undergraduate college degree in Psychology just won't cut it.
For my wedding, I hired Jill Curione and Katie Dowens with The Charmed Event to be my planners. I LOVED them from the very start and instantly connected with them. the back of my mind I had always thought "I would LOVE to have their job." Event planning was something that had always interested me for years, but I never pursued it because I felt the timing was not right and in order to be successful you would have to "know people". I never had that opportunity so I pursued Psychology.
A few days ago, I was talking with Jill and she mentioned that her and Katie needed an assistant to help them with their business because they have really been booming. I never even dreamed that I would seriously consider it, but I got to thinking...
What if I called Jill and asked her if she was serious about possibly having me on their team to help with weddings....
What if this was really happening and I could pursue my dream of being a wedding planner one day...
What if I just take this leap of faith and go for it...
Well... I did just that.
I called Jill on the phone and we had a nice long talk about the possibilities of me joining their team.
I had SO many things running through my head.
For starters, We JUST moved here to Athens..we haven't been here but maybe a month and a half...we just finished unpacking our stuff. I am supposed to start graduate school next month...was this something I should really do? Should I turn down graduate school to work with Jill and Katie? Is this the right thing for me and Seth? How much is it going to cost us to pick up and move? What about this? What about that?
Seth and I have been in constant prayer about this decision. We want this to glorify God and not be my own selfish desire. We want this to be what is best for ME and for Seth.
So...after talking more with Jill about my future and talking with our leasing agent...
We have decided we are moving BACK to North Carolina to the Charlotte area. I am going to work with Jill and Katie and their business, The Charmed Event, and also nanny their children (Which is a plus, because they have the CUTEST kids in the universe).
I truly have a peace about this decision and I am so excited that I am going to be pursuing my DREAM. God is definitely showing me his power and beauty and I am so thankful for that.
So..our plans now...
we have to find a sub leaser ASAP. We are trying to get out of here so we don't have to keep paying rent. We put an ad on craigslist and NOT EVEN thirty minutes later, we got a phone call. I think things are falling into place... and I am so grateful.
I know some of you are thinking.. "You are crazy for not attending graduate school." And believe me, I have struggled so MUCH with that decision. Many people never have the chance to go to grad school and a lot of my friends didn't get in. I am so thankful that I did get in, but you know...I feel I am pursuing my dreams and I don't think going go graduate school in Social Work was really my dream.
We are so excited to see the plans that God has for us, and we could definitely use your prayers these next few weeks.
Much love,
I'm praying for God's blessings on you and Seth's life! Aaaaaaaaand....Charlotte is only 2 hours from Hendersonville!