09 November 2010

it's beginning to look a lot like...thanksgiving? christmas? fall? summer?

Gosh darnit, this weather.

Three days ago it was in the 40's all day. 
Yesterday it was PERFECT fall weather..in the sixties.
  And today..ALMOST 80?? 
What is the deal...

How about the 60 degree stuff stays until mid-December (let's say, until the first official day of winter?) and then it can stay cold until March.  Heck, I hope it even snows!  But please..none of this bundle up in scarves one day and wear shorts the next junk.  Sheesh.

Enough of my meanginless ramblings..
Please welcome my sweet new cousin (but I will call him my nephew because Halley is the sister I never had, along with my sis-in-law, Logan)

Timothy Kie Knuth
Is he not the sweetest little baby?  Omgosh, i love him.  Can't wait to see him and squish his little baby legs very soon!

So, I've been trying real hard to get all my photos together of my DIY projects that I've made over the past couple months.  I promise to post them soon.  I loaded my memory card and guess how many pictures I had on there?

PLUS 900.

995 photos on ONE MEMORY CARD.  gee whiz..that's a lot. So i have GOT to delete delete delete them and compile all my projects in one place.  

Please check back soon though, because I have some great things to share:

Here's to name a few things I've worked on in the past couple months:

1. Burlap wreath
2. Coffee Filter wreath
3. Goodwill Pottery Barn candlestick redo
4. Shelf makeover
5.Christmas decor

I am also going to share a few of my favorite Thanksgiving recipes for you to share with your friends and family!  :)

This past weekend was so much fun.  We had a much needed girls weekend where we cuddled on the couch watching scary movies, woke up and had peach french toast (DELICIOUS RECIPE) and went to my two favorite stores:

And here are a couple photos of my besties:

It was definately a much needed weekend. I hope we can find time for more girls weekends in the future.

It's already almost MID-November.  My hubby's birthday is in eleven days.  I only have half of his present.  I better get on the ball!  Speaking of Seth..he is currently in the process of applying to Law School. I am extremely proud of him- he is working so hard to get everything perfected and I just know that a Law School (hopefully his first choice) will read his application and say:

He hopes to have all his apps turned in by Thanksgiving and then the waiting game begins.

This weekend is the first weekend where we don't have any big plans. I am excited to relax and enjoy the weekend with Mr. Jones. We are planning on trying out a new church and playing some cards with our friends.  And of course, a few crafty endeavors for me. :)

I also made a very successful trip to Rite Aid this evening.  I will have to show you what I got!
I got:
1. two types of hair dye (one of which is currently in my hair right now..eeek!)
2. Crest pro health toothpaste
3. oral-b toothbrush
4. Garnier shampoo
5. Nivea body wash
All for:

A whopping price of $2.15..which was all tax by the way. I entered  the store with $3 UP rewards (which is like fake money and the same thing as CVS's version, ECB's) and left the store with $9.  So really, I made close to $5 for buying those products.  I know, you're probably confused but let's just say I got those products fo FREE! I love free stuff.

Alright, well stay tuned for some fun products and recipes!

Gotta go get this hair dye out!!

1 comment:

  1. Oh Kaitlin I adore you! Thanks for posting about Baby Kie. He enjoys reading your blog too! (such a smart week old baby!)

    We can't wait till you meet him! He is perfect and bundled up now on my heart. Sleeping away! (It's what he does after he reads your blog, takes a nap!)

    Love all your savings. I need to get as savy as you. Maybe you can teach me. Tho I did read your couponing blog I just think I need help one on one.

    We love you here in Texas and tell Uncle Seth we love him too! And of course a wonderful law school he likes will LOVE him as well.

    xoxo skype soon!

    Lots of kisses from Baby Kie!
