05 June 2011

The catfish from down under.

So...have y'all ever eaten a catfish?  In Texas, I grew up eatin' those suckers.

Well this past weekend we hosted a cookout at our house with around 15 of our friends from college.  It was so much fun-I will post about that in just a bit, but let me share a story from this weekend first.

Fishing is one of my favorite past times.  I love it.  That's probably due to the fact that I had two brothers and a dad who did it all the time.  Well..my friend, Brian, brought some poles with him and we went fishing off of our dock. A big ol catfish was caught by Alli and we were all so excited:

We could NOT get the hook out of his mouth though and it stayed out of the water too long for him to comfortably live. (Sad, I know) We decided to keep him and fry him up. 

He was breathing (or suffering from not being in the water) and I was trying to get the hook out of his mouth..so I pushed my foot down on him to make him quit flopping around..and guess what happened?

His fin went THROUGH my shoe (I had on Chaco sandals) and PIERCED into my foot.

 It hurt so badly. And of course I was a baby and start to have a panic attack.

I mean come on, there was a fish bone stuck in my foot....
and a catfish at that.
those are some of the most nasty fish..and they are full of bacteria and germs.  

It went about a half inch into my foot.  And i had to RIP it out...

fun times.
Hubby had to carry me back to the house and I layed around for about ten minutes before I settled down. 

I still can't believe it went THROUGH my shoe.  Those Chaco sandals have a THICK rubber sole..and they are supposed to be made to walk anywhere..the river, mountains, trails..you name it. 

My dad (he is a doctor) prescribed me some antibiotics to keep it from getting infected.  I really hope it works because he said catfish infections are nasty as all.  Cross your fingers I will be okay!!!

Wasn't that eventful?

Here are a few other pictures from our weekend.  We had such a fun time playing cornhole, grilling out hotdogs, swimming in the lake, watching the French Open Tennis Final, and just having some great quality time.

 Penny does NOT look happy, but I promise she is! :)
 It looks like he is floating on top of the water, but he was "posing" as he jumped off the dock! haha

And here we are watching the French Open this morning at nine.

What a great weekend.  Minus the puncture wound in my foot.

Hope you had a great weekend!!!!


  1. Awww.. I'm so sorry to hear about your foot! Are you putting anything on it?

  2. Yikes, sorry to hear about your foot! I bet that put a damper on things this weekend :( We watched the French Open too--I love me some Nadal, he's just so good! I love, love, love the blog redesign--absolutely gorgeous and so YOU :)
