Lately, I've been thinking.
Why do I blog? What is the REAL reason I share my life here on the interwebs?
When I started this blog two years ago, I was documenting our life as newly newly weds. We had been married like three weeks when I wrote my first blog post about Seth burning the chicken in the oven.
A lot has happened since then, including the growth of my blog-and I am so THANKFUL for y'all who find my life interesting.
However, I do not want to miss the little memories that my husband and I are making now. I don't want to feel pressured to write a post about decorating, crafts, or a DIY project. I LOVE sharing what I do in my spare time, but I don't want to miss out on the other things that life is giving us.
Like the time we fed our pup peanut butter, or when I gave her our dinner because it was not edible.
The reason I have this little blog is to share and document our life together. So that in ten, twenty, or fifty years (if there will even be such things as "blogs" then) I can remember what we did as newlyweds.
I plan on doing this for a long while. So that I do not forget about the small things that happen.
Remember when Penny dug up our garden?
Or when I donated my hair to locks of love?
even if I don't have a craft or DIY project every week, I am happy knowing that memories are documented. So that when our children decide to ask what life was like before they came, I can share these sweet stories with them before tucking them into bed. :)
Here are some little memories that were made over the past couple weeks that I don't want to forget, even if they seem unimportant to others.
I have been so irritated with the squirrels that keeping digging up my flowers so I took matters into my own hands. (For those of you who are really concerned, that is a BB doesn't really hurt them. And I don't aim at their chest. Only their back legs.) and just so you know, they haven't dug up my plants since this occasion. TAKE THAT!
New robins eggs in my fern! Can't wait until they hatch. And look at that sweet Penny girl face. How sweet is she?
So, I encourage you..if you don't have a blog, get one! Document your story. Share your life. You will be grateful you chose to record your memories, even if they do seem small.
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