13 February 2014

Snowed in. again.

We have been snowed in for going on three days now. In a matter of an hour, we got like two inches of snow and it didn't stop there. Before it was all said and done, I think around 6 inches of snow and then lots of sleet and ice occurred. We've been cuddled up in the house but I'm not complaining.
 More snuggles with my little man!

I took that opportunity to get out my nice camera and snap some photos. I never get it out much because for one, one of my lenses is broken and my iPhone is so much more convenient. But I am researching new cameras and hopefully will have my hands on one soon. The one I have now has served me well and it's almost 8 years old!

It's such a joy to be his momma.  Every night when he goes to bed, I go upstairs and just stare at his little sleeping body.  I love to smell his baby scent, and touch his little head of soft little fuzzy hair.  He's the best.  I love him so.

Yes, his diaper has hearts on it, but it's blue. So it's not girly. Boom. 
Always chewing on those hands.
Sweet little baby feet make my smile.

Hubby took some candid photos of us.  I pretty much love them.

I'm kissing his little feet..not really sniffing them like it looks..but even if I were..who cares.  Every part of his little body smells like baby scent..and we all know that's the best smell on the planet.

Gosh, these boys melt my heart.

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