Sorry to leave you hanging..geez, that wasn't nice now was it?
Lots going on here... Both exciting and scary all at the same time.
So, what's first?
Oh..tomorrow is my last day of work!
I got a promotion. And yes, it does have something to do with the photo below. (He found a new toy, BTW...ha!)
I am going to be a stay at home mom. And I could not be more excited. I have always known being there for my children is my calling. I remember so vividly going back to work the first day when Winslow was 12 weeks old. It was one of the hardest days of my life. (Especially since he wouldn't take a bottle) But I am incredibly thankful that I did go back to work and that my mother-in-law graciously volunteered her time and energy to watch my son. I enjoyed the adult interaction and the I think it's healthy to spend some time away from your children every once in a while.
I am glad I went back, but I also know it's my time to be with my babies. (Well, baby) I know there will be days where I miss work, where I want adult conversation, and where I wish things were "easier", but I also know this is the truest calling in my life and I have never felt so sure about this decision. I am so blessed my husband has allowed me to do this and yes, it will be a sacrifice financially right now, but the benefits for me and my children will be great.
"Today I will be thankful for all the little socks and the grass stained jeans and the endless piles of laundry. For there will come a day when the laundry basket is empty and these days will be profoundly missed."
So here I am. My hubby graduates with his Master's Degree in 8 weeks, PRAISE the Lord, and then we will be heading to wherever he gets a job.
Which is why our house is for sale.

Our lovely home, which we LOVE, will be home to hopefully another nice and caring family soon. Know anyone looking for a house in the Raleigh area? Send them our way!
So lots of things happening here! All of them are very exciting, but they also can be very frightening if I don't keep my mind in the right place. Meaning, I need Jesus. I need him to fully believe we will be okay..even though we are living on one salary. Even though we might possibly be moving across the country. Even though our house needs to be sold by August. Yep. I need Jesus. And the best part? He's ALWAYS taken care of us. We've been through 3 (this will be four 4th) moves in 4 years, a handful of jobs, law schoool, graduate school, LSAT tests, deaths of animals, and a slew of other things that we probably stressed out too much over. But He provides. He is good.
So come Monday, I will get to sleep in until noon, sit on the couch and eat cookie dough, and paint my fingernails while watching DateLine...right?
I am so excited and grateful for this next step in my Motherhood Journey. I hope Winslow will one day be as thankful as I am that my mom got to spend her days with me growing up. I never truly understood how special it is to be a stay at home mom until I became a mother of my own.
Cheers to this new adventure!
"You will come to know that what appears today to be a sacrifice will prove instead to be the greatest investment that you will ever make."
"If you want your children to turn out well, spend twice as much time with them, and half as much money."
"Motherhood is a choice you make everyday to put someone else's happiness and well-being ahead of your own, to teach the hard lessons, to do the right thing even when you're not sure what the right thing is...and to forgive yourself over and over again for doing everything wrong."