02 March 2013

Our little baby.

It's funny..this thing called pregnancy.  Your hormones are already out of whack, your body is changing daily, your appetite is insane and really, nothing is ever like it was.

I had a rough start making our baby.  I was sick ALL day everyday for almost 8 weeks straight.  Missed three days of work, had the flu on top of morning sickness, and lost almost ten pounds.  Then around 14 weeks, it subsided.

I had an ultrasound at 8 weeks to tell exactly how far along I was, another one at 12 weeks, and then the gender reveal ultrasound at 17 weeks.  So i've been lucky as far as getting to see our sweet little one.

But nothing compared to hearing the hearbeat! We hadn't heard it until this last one and it was SO neat to hear it...it's like  I have two hearbeats!  Wow.

It's only 9 seconds, and to most, it's just a heartbeat.  But it was so special to be able to hear it.

We saw all of baby's anatomy...the heart, brain, stomach, legs, arms, the four chambers of the heart, the valves of the heart, the liver, the eyes, the mouth, the spine...all of it.  And then when it was time to tell the gender, we closed our eyes and she wrote it down in an envelope.  We were having dinner with a few friends and family later that night and wanted to share that special moment with everyone at the same time.

Now, on to dinner!! We went to PF Changs and sat in the VIP section, which was NO JOKE, in the kitchen...at first I didn't like it, but we ended up getting free dessert, and like 6 free appetizers- the chef would just come by and give us all this free food. It was awesome!

I guess you want to know if Baby Jones is a boy or girl, right?  From the poll on my blog, 29 of you thought it was a girl, and 13 thought it was a boy.  Man, I guess you were all thinking like me!

To do the gender reveal, we picked out two outfits.  A boy and a girl. (Duh)  Then my coworker opened the envelope from the doctor and wrapped whichever outfit he/she would wear.

 And here's the reveal!It's blurry a little, but you can still tell what's going on.

That's right! We are having a little boy!!  I could have bet money on having a little girl but I guess my momma instincts haven't kicked in just yet. ;) 

I am so stinkin' excited-  the first morning when I woke up after finding out, all I could think about was my son.  I said a prayer of thanksgiving to God, and then felt the tiniest little kick in my stomach.  I rolled over, kiss my husband, and a tear of joy rolled down my cheek.

I will never forget that moment.

My in-laws got him the adorable boots. They are so cute and tiny.  I can't wait for him to wear them!

Since finding out the gender, I feel so much more close to my baby.  I love him so much already, it's so insane to think about.  The second I knew he was a boy, all the sickness, the passing out, the weird body changes have all been worth it.  (I would feel the same about a girl, of course, but you understand what I'm talking about) How incredible it is to finally know what's growing inside of you.

Now, onto names and nursery ideas!  Both of which we already have picked out practically! :)




  1. Hi Kait

    I dont know you but ive been following your blog for a while and especially since you announced your pregnancy. Im trying myself but unfortunately i havent been blessed yet so i love to read about your news. This is so precious. I hope you have a happy, healthy pregnancy.

    Heather x

  2. Wow I'm in tears! So precious!! Maybe I'm growing a bun in the oven, too!? ;)

  3. So happy for you!! I have had a feeling this whole time (almost 16 weeks) that I'm having a boy. We find out in 2 weeks and I can't wait!! Congrats and enjoy this next phase of your pregnancy!!!

  4. I am bawling reading this. I just had my sweet little boy in November and I can recall the moment we found out he was a boy and the very first kick like it was yesterday! I too thought it was for sure a girl but my son is the biggest blessing in my entire life. I saw a pinterest pic that said "Never marry a man unless you would be proud to have a son just like him" while I was pregnant and I remember thinking to myself that I would LOVE to have a son just like my husband and low and behold, I got one! :-) Congratulations!

  5. Aaaw, those cute little boots made me cry. We are expecting out little baby boy in may but they dont have those cute baby-thing here in Sweden.

    Coungratulation to your little boy! :)

  6. Awww congrats girl!!!! That is absoutley precious!!!! So excited for you and your little man...your hubby looks like a proud papa!!! Cant wait to hear more!!!
